Monday, January 17, 2011

7 Years

January 17, 2011
My thoughts are consumed today with the thought of you. I can not believe that you have been gone for 7 years. Sometimes it seems like a lifetime and others just like the other day. This day it seems like just the other day. I still remember your smile, your skinny legs and bony knees, your big feet (big for all of 12 years) a size 9! Your eyes and how big and how very blue they were. I love your eyes! I remember your fingers, they were long and skinny and your nail beds were just like your dads. I remember your love of strawberry milk. I remember your tender heart and your love for your family and your friends. I remember your love for the computer and your game boy! I can remember every inch of you just like you were here with us today! I miss you so much my heart just aches to be able to have you here with us.
I also at this time wonder what kind of a young man your would have turned out to be? Handsome I am sure as all of your brother are handsome, probable would love children you were always so good with the little kids, they all loved you. I think that you would have been a great friend to others and to your brothers. I also think that you just might have been a little taller then Travis, he is 6' 5" so maybe a little bit or right at his height! (don't tell him that he likes being the tallest). I wonder what schooling you would have perused and where you would be in your life right now.
I also wonder how if you were still with us how all of our lives would be different, would we live in Idaho or would we still all be in St. George, How would Travis life be now? I know that he has had a really hard time with your being gone. He was so sweet today, he came in the bedroom and asked me how I was doing today and gave me a big hug, I told him that I missed you and he said he did too andhe even had some tears. (not sure if he really has shed many up to this date other then the day that you passed.)
Allot has happened since you have been gone, you have three nephews, and one niece! We are so blessed to know that you were able to be with each and everyone of them before they came to be with us. I would always tell them that Uncle Jeffrey kissed them and sent them on their way!
You would have been such a great Uncle to them. We now live in Idaho in the mountains this is where dad wants to be he loves it up here and he often tells me that you would have like to be up here,(of course you already know this). Another year has passed and I am not sure that it gets any easier but we are so blessed to have the knowledge that we will be able to be together again. This helps me to get through everyday without you. I know that Heavenly Father is teaching you all kinds of things and that you are teaching many young children the gospel, (I like to think that you are on your mission, you just got called early, Heavenly Father needed your help). I know that you watch over your family and help to guide us in the right direction. Please don't stop and know how very much your Mom and Dad love you!
Love Mom


Erica Mangum said...

oh my many fond memories of our Jeffrey! I cant stop crying! That was so nice of Travie!! I wonder what he would be like also...He is on his mission with Heavenly father! We love you Jeffery and will be with you again! Love you MJ

Jess Mangum said...

great letter! I'm sure Jeffrey loved it! He knows of your pain and how you feel. BUT trust that he is there, he is always there! The Lord needed Jeffrey for bigger and better things! His plans for Jeffrey are above and beyond anything we can even begin to imagine, in ways I'm jealous that he doesn't have to face this crazy world in these crazy times!
Put a smile on your face and know that he is happy and most of all healthy, no more problems or worries. He has not a care in the world.. other than keeping my other kids under his thumb!! :)
Though we may not understand why his mortal life was so short and that the Lord faced you with this huge trial and major speed bump in the road.. always know there is reason to everything.
comforting to know that when our time comes that he is there waiting with open arms!
lots of love from us!!
keep your head up!